Thursday 9 December 2010

Secret single edit video!

Here's our video for our first proper single "Secret', out February 2011 via Numbskull/TCF/Proper Dist.

This video was really fun to make, we filmed it all ourselves on one handheld camera and all in one shot! We passed the camera around inside the car as we were driving and mimed along to the music from the CD player. Different sections of the song were at different speeds for us to mime to, which is why the outside of the car moves at what looks like a different speed to the inside of the car :)

So when we edited the video we had to slow down or speed up different sections of what we'd filmed, so then it would line up with the song at the right speed. It was a little confusing... In all fairness the magnificent Barney Douglas did all the editing, I just lay on his sofa.

Hope you enjoy, let us know what you think!


x x x x

Wednesday 1 December 2010


Here are some things that have happened since our last blog post.

We mailed out all the promos for the february release that are going to radio and magazines etc.

Bryn got married! It was a lovely day and everyone had an awesome time. Lots of love to Bryn and Pip from all of us xx

We also played an awesome gig at The Good Ship in Kilburn, with Vicky Smith standing in on bass while Bryn was on his honeymoon.

We're playing at The Hydrant in Brighton on Saturday with The Stars Down To Earth, The Beautiful Word and Dead Cars. Come along - it's going to be a fun one!
x x x x