Monday, 28 March 2011

Big fat update

Hello Sparrow friends! We're overdue an update, but it's a good 'un :) As of today our album Playtime is out everywhere! You can buy the cd (and some other tasty merch) directly from us here, or download via itunes here, or all the usual suspects etc... If you really want to do the right thing, we'd love you to pop along to your nearest indie record store and buy it there (they'll be able to order if it's not already in stock), because proper record stores make the world go round! Well mine anyway.

We've just had a couple of great reviews for the album, including a four star review in the Sunday Times , and being made album of the week on Tight Mix Blog (who are also streaming the album all week if you want to give it a listen). Ta very muchly to those who have been saying nice things about us, you're lovely.

Other exciting news from recent times includes that we've been played on BBC 6 Music by both Jo Good and Tom Robinson (not Rom Tobinson as I originally typed), which was a bit of a dream come true for all of us. We also did a live session on BBC South for Phil Jackson, who is as far as we're concerned, THE MAN. That was a great evening, and a special thanks to Dan for doing sound and making us feel very at home.

Right that's it for now. Go buy the album! (Please)...

x x x x