Couple of bits of news for you - Ali and Bryn have started 2010 by doing a nice little decade retrospective interview on Electric Grapevine, and to our pleasant surprise they also did a lovely review of our three track demo!
In other Sparrow news, on Monday we did an impromtu gig at Sussex University which turned out to be a great night, with lots of good music and friendly people. Hopefully we'll get to play there again soon! Marina and I were saying after, we just want to play all the time! It is quite frankly our favourite thing. We're now looking forward to our Brighton gigs at The Providence on Feb 4th and The Prince Albert on March 5th (album launch!).
Other good things of note: Bob Schneider, bourbon biscuits, Jeffrey Brown, the fact that it's not raining, and sparklers left over from bonfire night...
Caz xx