Thursday, 9 December 2010

Secret single edit video!

Here's our video for our first proper single "Secret', out February 2011 via Numbskull/TCF/Proper Dist.

This video was really fun to make, we filmed it all ourselves on one handheld camera and all in one shot! We passed the camera around inside the car as we were driving and mimed along to the music from the CD player. Different sections of the song were at different speeds for us to mime to, which is why the outside of the car moves at what looks like a different speed to the inside of the car :)

So when we edited the video we had to slow down or speed up different sections of what we'd filmed, so then it would line up with the song at the right speed. It was a little confusing... In all fairness the magnificent Barney Douglas did all the editing, I just lay on his sofa.

Hope you enjoy, let us know what you think!


x x x x

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


Here are some things that have happened since our last blog post.

We mailed out all the promos for the february release that are going to radio and magazines etc.

Bryn got married! It was a lovely day and everyone had an awesome time. Lots of love to Bryn and Pip from all of us xx

We also played an awesome gig at The Good Ship in Kilburn, with Vicky Smith standing in on bass while Bryn was on his honeymoon.

We're playing at The Hydrant in Brighton on Saturday with The Stars Down To Earth, The Beautiful Word and Dead Cars. Come along - it's going to be a fun one!
x x x x

Monday, 20 September 2010

Playing in London

Come and see us playing at the Good Ship in Kilburn this Saturday 25th September!

Check out the facebook event for all the details. It's our first London gig and it'd be lovely to see you there :)

x x x x

Monday, 6 September 2010

Everyone Leaves video!

Big thanks to Josh, Matt and Jamie for making us this great video for our song Everyone Leaves!

Check out their other vids here.

Friday, 30 July 2010


It's exciting for us to announce that we've been signed to a brand new indie label Numbskull HQ to do a national release of our first album! If you check out the older posts here at Our Street you can follow the progess of our mini self release of the album, which sold out quickly and has now lead to a very nice deal with Numbskull HQ - which will let us get the album out nationally and hopefully get some more press and exposure for the record.

We're really chuffed with how things are going with Numbskull - they are a very artist friendly bunch and are very supportive of what we are trying to do musically, so we're looking forward to working with them!

Right now we're working on a music video for the single, which is going to be an edit of Secret, and will come with a couple of remixes as well as the full length album version. We're also working on some of the practical things like deciding exactly how the album will be packaged and getting the cds printed up!

We'll keep you up to date with what's going on... In other news, our next gig is at Hector's House in Brighton, on the 5th of August. We're headlining a night with The Stars Down to Earth and Bucket Joy - should be a good one!

If you're looking for anything else to do in the next week or so, we massively reccommend dropping in on WITIDE the fourth on Wednesday the 4th... :D

Caz xx

Monday, 5 July 2010

Good afternoon...

We've started writing some new songs. You can see us gigging a brand new one called Down River at the moment, and we've got a few more in the pipleine which will gradually trickle into the setlist over the next few months. We're loving playing the album songs out and about, but we're all itching to start really working on our new ideas, so keep a look out for them...

This summer is looking good for Sparrow. We'll fill you in again soon!

Meanwhile, come and check us out at The Albert on July 24th in Brighton :)

Right now I'm listening to School of Seven Bells - they're great, might even have to check them out at Resident on Wednesday... :)

Caz xx

Tuesday, 4 May 2010




Sorry about the long wait :)

There are also these rather fabulous videos in which you can see how fit we are. Especially Caz x x x x

Thursday, 25 March 2010


Hello! Please excuse the gap in posts here for a while! It's all happening in Sparrow land. We had a brilliant night launching the album a few weeks ago at The Prince Albert in Brighton - the place was packed, the other bands were great (check them out here and here) and we had a blast. We've sold out of cds, which a lovely feeling. However, if you would like to buy the album you can do so through itunes ... There's been a slight delay getting it on Amazon, but it'll be available there on May 3rd as you can see here!

Meanwhile, there's lots coming up for us. We've got some gigs in Brighton and London over the next few weeks and months (more details on the myspace):

April 2nd: Latest Music Bar, Brighton (Radio Reverb 3rd Birthday)
May 13th: The Willmington Arms, London (O Bosque CosmoPOPlitan Launch night)
May 15th: Latest Music Bar, Brighton (Alt. to the Great Escape show)
May 27th: The Providence, Brighton (Lowlife night)
with more in the pipline, including some further afield... We'll keep you posted :)

We are also finally filming some live studio videos on April 10th, so we'll have some more content to add to our growing youtube channel!

The last bit of news is that we've been invited to play live for the second time on the Pete Jones Show on Radio Reverb. We had a loads of fun the last time we played on Pete's show, and it's really nice to be invited back, so we're looking forward to this a lot. We'll be on air on April 26th, hope you can tune in!

Aside from all that excitement, it'll be nice to start working on some new songs in the upcoming rehearsals. Looking forward to updating you on how that's going. Until then, hope to see you at a show...

Caz xx

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Less than a week until the album!

As you can see the cds have arrived, and we are heading towards a busy week of rehearsals followed by the album launch on Friday! Hope to see you there at the Prince Albert -we'll be playing the whole album in order at 10pm, and if you buy a cd you'll also get some free shwag. If you don't manage to get one of the 50 cd albums, it'll also be available as a digital download, and we'll post some links to that once it's out.

Ali and Bryn recently recorded a live session for Radio Reverb here in Brighton, and we'll let you know when that is going out.

I've spent the day mostly listening to Frightened Rabbit's new album, which is streaming on their myspace and comes out in shops tomorrow - check it out, it's as good as you'll be hoping if you're familiar with their last amazing album!!!

Have a good week :)

Caz xx

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Thanks to everyone who came to the Providence gig last Thursday :) It was super.

Turns out we were Bored of Brighton's suggestion for that evening!

Check it out - clickyclicky

Love x x x x

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

"A musical journey toward beautiful yet oddly unnerving climaxes..."

Couple of bits of news for you - Ali and Bryn have started 2010 by doing a nice little decade retrospective interview on Electric Grapevine, and to our pleasant surprise they also did a lovely review of our three track demo!

In other Sparrow news, on Monday we did an impromtu gig at Sussex University which turned out to be a great night, with lots of good music and friendly people. Hopefully we'll get to play there again soon! Marina and I were saying after, we just want to play all the time! It is quite frankly our favourite thing. We're now looking forward to our Brighton gigs at The Providence on Feb 4th and The Prince Albert on March 5th (album launch!).

Other good things of note: Bob Schneider, bourbon biscuits, Jeffrey Brown, the fact that it's not raining, and sparklers left over from bonfire night...

Caz xx

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Uploading all the songs to Tunecore for our digital release on 5th March. Oh my God it's taking *ages*

It's for all those people wot download music off the interwebnet.

Love Ali x x x x

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Quiet, the children are sleeping...

Happy new year! Here's hoping your 2010 has started well.

All the snow here in Brighton has melted which means we're a lot less busy having snowball fights, and we've found the time to upload some free mp3s for you to check out. So you can now download the songs 'Our street' and 'Secret' from this blog. We hope you enjoy them, and feel free to send them on to your friends if you do!

Our street
(click the links to download)

The picture above is the album cover for 'Sparrow', which is released in a small run of cds on March 5th, with a digital release on the same day. Yay!

In the next few weeks we'll be busy practicing for our upcoming gigs, as well as filming some live studio videos - something we're looking forward to a lot! So look out for those and we'll keep you updated with how everything else is going.

Caz xx